Directed by=Matt Reeves;
Robert Pattinson;
The batman 2020.
Now you gotta do the same with the Justice League trailer and the Batman song.
The batman test screening.
The batman the dark.
The batman 2021 cast.
The batman sequel.
The batman filming in chicago.
I honestly was not a fan of the music. This version of hallelujah is so bland and unimaginative. Made me even less concerned about the Snyder Cut. Nonetheless your work continues to stand out.
The batman 3. Dark, gritty, menacing and has same vibe of the movie The Crow especially theme music. Thebatman toys. I came to laugh but i seriously did not expect this from Robert Pattinson. Kinda wish now I didn't see twilight. You ought to do endgame or infinity war, justice league style.
The batman cast 2021.
The batman 2004 fanfiction.
The batman covid.
Youre crazy clever how you suss this stuff out. Batman the animated series. Why does this fit so well? I mean, it shouldn't right. This is honestly better than the actual trailer. Congrats on reaching 400k 🎉. You guys truly deserve it ❤️. The batman lego movie. We all know this really didnt exist and they just they're just making it now cant deny the trailer is pretty amazing.
The batman chicago. The batman trailer reaction. The batman villains. The batman teaser. The Batman movie Watch THe Batman Stream [Movie] On the website THE. Watch"Here"The"Batman. Penguins henchman by the way, not Riddlers nor Jokers. When I first saw the title of the video, I thought you were gonna use the music from the original Justice League trailer, lol (Come Together by Garl Clark Jr. Junkie XL. and I was like Wait. the whole tone of that song is not gonna fit. I'm probably still gonna like the original trailer better. Then when you used the music from the Snyder cut, I was like Ohhhh, okay. this actually kinda works. But tbh, I still like the original trailer for The Batman much more. You still did a good job with this one, though! I think it would've been better if you kept a lot of the visual FX and dialogue in it, though. especially when Pattinson says I'm vegneance. That's just an epic part of the whole trailer.
The batman batarang. “The animals Ive trapped have, all become my pets.”. I'm curious how movie translators across the world are going to execute these riddles in different languages. The batman 2021 runtime. Its year 2 batman so its gonna be darker since he hasn't learned control. Plus its going to be the detective story. They haven't even finished filming so just the little they had looks really good. I'm just glad that loud mouth Aunt Jemaima isn't in this one. The batman rolex. Love it. The batman 2. The batman cartoon. Maybe the water is why the song was used not some “deep” bs. The. Court if Owls will be similar to the League of shadows in Batman Begins. The true villians by the end.
The best ever super hero trailer and ofcourse the best superhero too. I realized it after knowing about this movie that DC basically stands for Detective Comics 🙈 and going to be true to its origin as Batman was its first edition of Detective Comics. Since childhood I was thinking it was Dark Comics 😛. They're actually calling RIddler by another name he's had in the comics. Edward Nashton, which I understand why since it's a little less on the nose.
The batman 2019. The batman who laughs movie. The batman reddit. The batman film. The Batman Box Office... “Hallelujah” in a DC trailer takes me back to Watchmen. Anyone else remember that scene? AWESOME movie Update: holy crap 1K likes? Thank you guys! Gosh I love the humble people of the internet.
10:43 has the best 😍💋 💝💖❤️
Dad: why are you putting lighting on phone screen? Me: The DC. Dad: Stop, don't say anything more. Everybody keeps saying those goons are joker's guys, those are penguin's goons, if am not mistaken year 1 and 2 batman, penguins goons wore white and black paint. The batman plot. The batman hbo max series. Hey, Y'all! You guys need to do merch. I would give an arm and a leg maaan. Sending love and support! ❤️. The batman toys.
I'm vengeance, I'm the night, I'm Batman. Batman (Kevin Conroy
Marvel movie be like: “Yay, super hero! They will bring justice!” DC movie be like: “What is hero? What is justice?”. The batman vs dracula. The batman who laughs read online. The batman cinemacon footage. DC : Wanna see a cool trailer? Youtube: Wanna see it again? Me: Yes. But look at the last symbol its shaded in unlike the other ones so its not the same. The batman screening.